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On this Page

List of topics

For each message flow we publish specifications, requirements, explanations etc which you need for the development and adjustment of your software and the submission of data. These message flows are grouped under topics.

The topics listed below are offered and supported in English (and Dutch).
For other topics from The Netherlands Tax and Customs Administration check this page on our Dutch website. Documentation and support for those topics is only available in Dutch.

Country-by-Country Reporting

  • Filing Country-by-Country Reports

Data delivery by Payment Service Providers PSP_CESOP

  • Data delivery by Payment Service Providers (PSP_CESOP)

Digital Platforms Income information/DAC7

  • Filing Digital Platforms Income information (DAC7) (English only)

Dividend Withholding Tax

  • Client registration and feedback on Tax number (FI-nummer)
  • Application and Decision

Mandatory Disclosure Rules/DAC6

  • Filing Cross-border arrangements